Economic Times Young Leader 2018 (ETYL) Experience

“The Purpose of life is lớn live it, lớn taste experience lớn the utmost, lớn reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” – Eleanor Roosevelt.

To begin with, I would suggest aspirants lớn take ET Young Leadership Program with eagerness and enthusiasm and without fear. Treat ET Young Leader as a journey which one would savor for long and not as a mere contest.

Bạn đang xem: Economic Times Young Leader 2018 (ETYL) Experience

So, beginning from the basics, what is ET Young Leader program? – It is a Leadership assessment and recognition program for young working professionals in the age bracket of 26 lớn 32 years, launched in 2011.

ETYL is a 4-phase assessment process conducted in partnership between Economic Times and CEB, global leader in leadership assessment.

The first phase is an “Online Personality Assessment Test” – which judges behavioral traits that are critical for you, in terms of priority order. Never try faking as it is a maze and you will get stuck in. In this round, you self-realize which all traits or qualities define you.

In second phase, Candidates are put through a phối of Online Tests comprising of Analytical, Verbal and Decision-making tests. Analytical and Verbal Ability was CAT standards. My tip is lớn go in an organized manner and use excel sheet as much as you can. Decision making test is lượt thích day-to-day business decisions taken in professional scenario. I believe Decision-making aspect truly checks your experience.

Now First pat your back, you are among the top 500 among the 25,000 participants (2018 Applicant count was 25,000). Third round is an in-person full day round which begins with a recap of an easier version of Second phase test. For bầm, it was in Delhi Bennett Coleman Office.

Moving forward on the same day Group Activities comprising of 2 rounds of Case Study based Group Discussion and Board Meeting Replica were conducted. Post this, we were given a phối of mails lớn clear, for an hour. It was fun lớn use pen and paper for clearing mails and filling calendars.

In the 3rd round, there were 4 panelists, out of which 1 was CEB guide and other 3 were Senior leaders who kept a constant eye on the group and observed minutely. I think they evaluated us both on our nội dung in discussion and our body toàn thân language.

Thankfully, the 3rd round came lớn an over, and wait for top 100 List began, within 15 days mail pops in stating – “Congratulations, you have been selected.”

The selected top 100 in ET Young Leader program undergoes a one lớn one interview by one of the 11 CEO panelists. It is an hour-long interview, in which individuals are evaluated basis their experiences and leadership potential.

“Sanjiv Puri” – ITC CEO; also quoted as “The Fast-Moving CEO” was my interviewer. The man is a legend and has transformed/ is transforming various businesses across the ITC group.

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I started researching about Sanjiv Puri, and his rise lớn the position. I soon realized his life and career was an inspiring journey and had a lot lớn learn from. From the success of Surya Nepal, first private sector company in Nepal lớn leading ITC Infotech and formulating the transformation strategy for the same, he himself was a young leader beyond doubts. It seemed as Y.C.Deveshwar, had chosen him as the next CEO a long before and was in fact grooming him for the same.

I rejoiced reading one aspect of Sanjiv Puri, his focus on Distributed Leadership. In my limited Team Management journey, I have always focused on the same, and felt happy about my leadership style for the first time. The tìm kiếm on Sanjiv Puri, his focus on FMCG Business and Sustainability, made bầm aware about a lot of business aspects, I was completely unaware of. I realized one thing, the man focused on giving back lớn the society lớn win big.

I kept on connecting the dots between his life, leadership style and what I was doing in my life; leading lớn proper realization of my strengths and weaknesses. This realization, I believe, was the biggest gain from ET Young Leader journey for bầm.

With all my preparation, I arrived at ITC Maurya, Delhi. I was escorted by the Times Group team lớn the Presidential suite of ITC.

“Mr. Raj – you can go inside.” And with that began an hour-long memorable conversation starting with Tell bầm about yourself which he listened calmly noting points, and then followed a Why – Why – How - Why – Why – How based interview. He literally deep dived in the selective pointers that caught his attention lớn the level where work done, result achieved and how it can be replicated in a large way was crystal clear.

We had an interesting discussion on “Uncertainty”. In the interview, at one point he asked bầm, “How should one manage Uncertainty?”. I tried answering the same using my limited knowledge phối and experience. Post the interview, developing “Uncertainty Management” as a skill became a goal for bầm.

The interview was an amazing experience, where I got an idea on how sales in Sitapur, UP gets affected by Cartels of South America. How often in our day lớn day job, we forget macro-economy? The interview gave bầm other goal, lớn improve upon my focus on Macro-Economic factors and always try lớn connect the dots.

And, with that an epic journey-process came lớn an over, and the long wait for result started.

Boom - Came the Results, and I was an “Economic Times Young Leader 2018”!!

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Unfortunately for bầm, the date of felicitation ceremonies coincided with my Reception, and hence no Gala Night Experience. But, even at cost of being repetitive, would say again, ET Young Leader program is just not an award, but an experience.

Best of luck lớn all aspirants and for others, I hope you enjoyed reading the journey experience.